InHeart & HustlebyTommy CAre You Accidentally Undoing Your Own Fitness Goals?Jason stepped off the treadmill, exhausted and discouraged after another ineffective workout.Dec 8, 20235086Dec 8, 20235086
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CDon’t Overcomplicate Your Workouts as a BeginnerWorking out doesn’t need to be complicated — at least not when you’re just starting out.Dec 6, 202383111Dec 6, 202383111
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CProgress Isn’t Linear: Learning Patience on the Path to GainsIn the past, I’ve had moments when I became obsessed with hitting a single metric in the gym.Dec 5, 20237546Dec 5, 20237546
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CDon’t Be Intimidated, Just Get Moving: A Noob’s Journey to Fitness Without the FussBrace yourself for an onslaught of advice your first time at the gym.Dec 4, 20231K7Dec 4, 20231K7
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CThe Deserted Gym — A Christmas MiracleAh, December. No more jousting for equipment. No more sweaty strangers crowding your personal space.Dec 3, 20231.2K10Dec 3, 20231.2K10
InBuffBaobyTommy CGet Moving — Just 4 Minutes of Huffing and Puffing Could Cut Your Cancer Risk!But what if I told you that just 4 short minutes of getting your heart pumping could make a big difference in reducing your risk of cancer?Sep 23, 20234.7K73Sep 23, 20234.7K73
InBuffBaobyTommy CBye-Bye Gymtimidation: Your Survival Guide to Navigating the Fitness Jungle!That’s the kind of sensation many of us experience when stepping into a gym for the first time, a phenomenon we fondly call ‘Gymtimidation.’Oct 4, 20231.1K14Oct 4, 20231.1K14
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CDon’t Fear the Kraken: How Trusting the Process Can See You Through Life’s StormsYou’re cruising through the calm waters, basking in the early successes. But here comes the twist. The sea isn’t always calm.Oct 3, 20231K10Oct 3, 20231K10
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CSlaying the Dragon of Procrastination: A Quest to Becoming Your Best Self!Life’s full of epic battles, right? One of the fiercest dragons we often grapple with is the terrifying beast known as Procrastination.Oct 2, 20231.1K14Oct 2, 20231.1K14
InBuffBaobyTommy CLessons from the Gym: How I Turned Fitness Fumbles Into Life LessonsIn the first three months, I lost 20 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle. Now, you’d think this was amazing, right? Well, yes & noSep 30, 20231K10Sep 30, 20231K10
InHeart & HustlebyTommy CHow to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: Balancing Fitness Goals and Life’s TemptationsAfter a grueling internal debate, you muster the courage to embark on a brave new journey: The Quest for FitnessSep 29, 20236173Sep 29, 20236173
InBuffBaobyTommy CTo Cardio or Not to Cardio: Your Rest Day Dilemma SolvedLet your inner Hamlet fret no more! Let’s unravel the mystery of whether cardio should happen on rest days.Sep 22, 20237226Sep 22, 20237226
InBuffBaobyTommy CExorcise these 6 Demons Devastating Your Gym PerformanceHave you been relentlessly pounding the iron at the gym, yet, instead of turning into a muscle-bound dynamo, you feel like you’re morphing…Sep 21, 20235278Sep 21, 20235278
InBuffBaobyTommy CThe “Fat Burning Zone” is a Fat Lie — Here’s How to Really Torch CaloriesHave you ever hopped on the elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike at the gym and toggled to the “fat burning zone” setting?Sep 20, 20231.5K15Sep 20, 20231.5K15
InBuffBaobyTommy CBye-Bye Cellulite: Unleash the Power of Weightlifting for Smooth, Sexy Legs!No matter how much cardio we do or how clean we eat, those lumpy, dimply spots just laugh in the face of our sweat and kale smoothies.Sep 18, 20231.1K9Sep 18, 20231.1K9
InBuffBaobyTommy CDeclutter Your Mind: Downsizing Mental Junk Can Transform Your Fitness ResultsLet’s be real — trying to get fit when your mind is cluttered with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm is like trying to sprint through…Sep 17, 20231.3K17Sep 17, 20231.3K17
InBuffBaobyTommy CRising Above Injury: Transforming Setbacks into Fitness VictoriesYou’re on a roll, crushing your routine, when out of nowhere — BAM! You’re sidelined by an injury.Sep 16, 20234878Sep 16, 20234878
InBuffBaobyTommy CGet Pumped About Protein! How to Fuel Your Workouts for Maximum GainsBut your quest for gains could hit a major roadblock if you’re not fueling right. And by fueling right, I mean protein, baby!Sep 11, 20233801Sep 11, 20233801
InBuffBaobyTommy CHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Eating HealthyWe all know deep down that eating our veggies is good for us. But let’s be real — kale tastes like grass, brussels sprouts are nasty littleSep 12, 20231K11Sep 12, 20231K11
InBuffBaobyTommy C7 Unexpected Causes of Your Fitness Rut (& 5 Genius Fixes)Sweating it out in the gym, pushing the limits, saying no to the office donut box. Yet, the scales remain stubbornly stuck.Sep 13, 20235626Sep 13, 20235626